Wednesday 27 July 2011

From the Top!

OK, so off I went tonight. Sufficiently rested and ready to go again. 

I have been gingerly testing my left leg after the thigh strain on Friday night. It's OK, just can't stretch it too far yet and running is probably still 2 weeks off. Should be OK in the pool though. 

The usual start, off to the deep end, a few dunks. First one a bit spluttery but a few more and everything was fine, back off down to the middle of the pool. Had a wee chat about various bits n bobs and decided I would like to try, with a float, just to do some kicks and put face in water. So that's just what I did. Just like the first lesson one however this time it was actually a success. It is so true that an adult just can't learn to swim in a baby pool. In a big pool the body is just more buoyant. It would not have believed it if i hadn't experienced it myself. So there you go. Legs up no problem and with little effort virtually horizontal and when face goes in it just all feels so right, so balanced. I just can't believe the effort I was putting in in the baby pool and really getting nowhere and feeling very frustrated about it. I started 1 lane then 2 then 3 from the side and kicked my way in, it was alright. Not brilliant but alright. At then end I was managing 3 breaths in the water before reaching the side. Quite pleased with that. I must admit I am not really getting Adam's breathing technique just right tonight but it's probably just the excitement of getting back in the pool again and I have done it before so I know I can do it again. 

It has been 4 weeks since I have been with the ladies in the pool and I do feel like it's all new. This time however I know I can stick my face in and I know I can float so I am a few steps ahead then I was the first time round. Brilliant.

I tried some more floating, just face down and limbs out and its all so nice and serene and floaty woaty  and TWANG!!!!! OWWWWW!!!!!

Disaster struck! The 'good' leg stiffened up and I panicked a wee bit thinking maybe I'd done the hamstring. But it was actually the calf that was hurting. I had to get out. Which wasn't easy. I managed to hop out and sat at the side. Perhaps it was cramp. Anyway after a couple of minutes it loosened off so I went for a walk in the water and it felt OK, a little tight but I felt I could go on. So I did something new. Hold the float with one hand and kind of doing some sort of home made stroke thing with the other kicking as we go. It was a partial success then the leg tightened up again. I gave it a few minutes tried again and it was getting tight so I just called it a day. Don't want to chance another injury. Shame as I could have achieved just a little bit more.

I consider tonight to be a success. I managed to do more than I thought I would and although I have still a long way to go I feel the foundations are a little bit stronger and I am still confident that I can crack this. 

I have a sneaky suspicion that I think that teacher thinks that I could actually swim if I only tried, but I'm not ready to give up my comfort blankie just yet.  Maybe it's psychological, I'm sure it could well be. I proved I can float, if I can just figure out this treading water lark then maybe I would believe a bit more. 

A few weeks off and I haven't been doing any homework so as school is back on I will be checking out other swimming related sites and if I find any useful I will let you know what they are. 

OK fingers crossed it was just cramp. 

Pip pip


aquamillie said...

Good going happy_tom. Can you explain to me what the dunking in the deep end business is about?

The pools I use only go to between 1.2 and 1.5m.

happy_tom said...

I am not very experienced in these matters but every pool I have ever been in has a 'shallow end' about 1.2m and a 'deep end' about 2.1m. With a steady gradient going two thirds of the way down the pool, usually the 2.1m depthe is about a third of the length.


I hope that helps.

I thought all pools were like that!


happy_tom said...

O and teacher gets us at the start to go to the deep end and dunk, until feet hit the bottom and bounce back up hopefully holding on to the side when you come back up.

Just to get used to the concept of the 'deep end' I guess.

happy_tom said...
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aquamillie said...

Yes I know how pools slope down to become deeper. We have them too! Ok so it sounds like it's about getting g used to the deep end.

happy_tom said...

Phew! Yes I think it's all about removing the fear.
It's good. It's like here is the deep bit. Not so scary is it? Feet can touch the bottom and nobody drowned.
I think it's good that teacher takes everyone to the deep end at the start of each lesson, a few dunks and off we go back to the middle.
I was 36 when I went to the deep end for the first time.

happy_tom said...

O I just thought It might be a test to see if we are witches!