Wednesday 12 October 2011

Not much to report. Didn't blog last week as I just totally flippered out and had a not so good session. Who thought flippers were a good idea for someone who can't swim?

I am enjoying reading my Total Immersion book and watching my Total Immersion DVDs however when I get back into the pool nothing has changed.

Knowledge is power but practice and technique are proving to be very hard walls to climb right now.

My concentration is also more or running again at the moment as I have managed to get myself onto a very exciting Half Marathon at the end of November, and I really need to up my training for that as I am a couple of months behind schedule due to the summer injuries. I need to do very well indeed or risk looking like a fool infront of some people who could really help me next year in my quest to run up and down the hills.

Back in the pool tonight. Who knows what may happen?

Pip pip!


aquamillie said...

Hi happy_tom,

No news from you either? What's happened to our missions?! The unseasonal cool and wet weather continues here as do my out of town trips. I feel like I've hardly been in the office let alone the pool.


happy_tom said...

HI aqaumillie.

I got fed up recently as I binned another teacher. Bloody useless.

Having a blog break as I have a half marathon on Saturday. However just got in from a run and tonight I fell and landed on my shoulder. Very sore. I'm stilling running on Saturday even if I have to do it in plaster.

email me and I will fill you in where I am at with TI. Would like to hear how you are getting on too.

Won't be blogging for at least a couple of weeks as I will be having a much needed rest for a week after the half marathon.

